On January 29, we relaunched the This Old House website. Our intent was to build a new site that included a sleeker design, faster loading time, and a more mobile-friendly interface. While we’ve made strides forward in several key areas, we recognize that there have also been challenges along the way. We apologize if you have encountered any issues with your Insider experience over the last few weeks. We appreciate those who have reached out with feedback, and we are working diligently to resolve problems that were inadvertently introduced as part of the relaunch process. We want to ensure that you will continue to receive all of the features and benefits that are part of your Insider membership. We appreciate your patience as we address bugs and deploy enhancements on a daily basis in the weeks ahead. Your Insider experience is vitally important to us, and we’re committed to resolving any problems that you may encounter. If you have any questions or concerns, please email membersupport@thisoldhouse.com. If you are attempting to download your free weekly New Yankee Workshop plan, be sure to enter comp code freeinsider22020 at checkout. Sincerely, The This Old House Insider Team